Is it just us or is the year flying by? We can't believe it's April already and greatly hope this issue finds you well and healthy given the challenging global environment at the moment. Perhaps the time has flown because we were able to enjoy some socially-distanced shoulder-rubbing with everyone at Lorne Proteomics in February. And speaking of flying, we're looking forward to getting back to the global events and connecting with the #massgeek community. In the meantime, we hope you'll find this #massgeek PlayBook interesting and useful. Let us know here!
Things to GROW
The whole life science community to benefit from the inaugural Australasian Multicentre Testing Initiative (MTI)
Assoc. Prof. Ralf Schittenhelm, Dr Ben Crossett and the Australasian Core Facility (ACF) group launched a MTI which aims to examine reproducibility across 20+ participating facilities as well as identify optimal strategies and approaches to tackle specific research questions.
With “Strengthening and empowering communities” as a core company value, Mass Dynamics (processing and standardisation data analysis engine of the initiative) is excited to see how the results can help lift the whole mass spectrometry community.
To find out more about the initiative visit
Questions are as important as the answers
See how much Arianna Xiao pushed herself out of her comfort zone during her time as Mass Dynamics Intern and learn how a strong core set of values can help you and your team navigate turbulent times. Read more here
Things to KNOW
Upcoming dates & events
- EuPA Proteomic Forum, 3-7 April, Leipzig, Germany
- X-Omics Festival, 11 April, Wageningen, the Netherlands (Hybrid)
- International Mass Spec School, 24-29 Apr, Belfast, Northern Ireland
- HUPO, 1 May - 8 Jul, Abstracts Submissions Open, Cancun, Mexico
- Bio-IT World, 3-5 May, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
- May Institute on Computation and Statistics for Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics, 9-10 May (Virtual), Boston, Massachusetts, USA
- Digital Health Festival, 31 May - 1 June, Melbourne, Australia
- ASMS, 5-9 June, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Analytica, 12-24 June, Munich, Germany (Hybrid)
- AO HUPO, 30 Jun - 2 Jul, Busan, Korea (Virtual)
- British Society Proteome Research (BSPR), 3-6 Jul, Oxford, UK
- International Mass Spectrometry Conference (IMSC), 27 Aug - 2 Sep Maastricht, The Netherlands (Hybrid)
- HUPO, 4-8 Dec, Cancun, Mexico
Things to SHOW
Speed vs Quality - why not have both?
Join us at ASMS 2022 to see how fast and easy we've made getting a green light on your experimental health, saving you and your team precious time.
We're just as excited as you to be returning to face to face conferences this year and are particularly anticipating ASMS 2022. Mass Dynamics Data Scientist and Bioinformatician, Dr Anna Quaglieri (above left) will be presenting her oral: "Automated benchmarking and quality control for protein characterisation workflows allows rapid development and fast confidence".
Fellow Data Scientist, Joseph Bloom (above right) will be presenting his poster on "Inferring Protein Identification via Recursion on LC-MS/MS PSM Networks to enable meaningful, interpretable Quantitation in high homology domains".
Be sure to look out for their presentations in the schedule to learn how their insights can significantly improve your experiment workflows or if you're heading to Minneapolis be sure to drop into our booth and say 'hi'!
Can't wait to get a taste for these helpful features? You can try them now by signing up to Mass Dynamics for free.
Leveraging Gene Enrichment analyses with ease
With the rise of Gene Enrichment analysis within transcriptomics and proteomics, we have provided a frictionless built-in interface with Reactome for over representation analysis (ORA) and made it even faster with the release of 'Quick Selections.
Say 'goodbye' to subjective single-point selections, and 'hello' to unbiased protein lists of up and down regulated proteins. Try it now